Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The "BLOG"

  The "BLOG"?.... well i'm new to it and i know that there are lot of things that this site is capable of ahmmmm... and i'm sure as a beginner there are lot of things that i need to learn more,. maybe there's a similarities between facebook and this site like of coarse ahmmmm... new things that i might discover.... well if the question is kind'na like this ahmmm... " what's your felling towards this site?" well of coarse as a beginner... think this is boring unlike facebook that has so many application were you can enjoy yourself anytime and in anyway..

  I have a feeling about it that....maybe ahmmm.. well i don't know"" they say that or some say that BLOG is the best because it's like or it's commonly use as a diary of a user were he/she intended to record something that is unusual for her/him that or this day. Maybe my interest of it well grow as i discover it's relevance in my life. BLOG the infamous site in my mind but thanks to our teacher he introduces us this site,. he exert his effort to us just to give us information that best suit to this site, well of coarse all it's system are included also and thanks to him we learn something new.

  My expectation about this site is not greater like what i expect in facebook, but both site are a big help to all not only in communication but also in some personal ahhmmm, well you know,,, so many usage "right?!" hehehehe... 

  This page is my new world and expect that you will expect something that is unexpected,.hahahahha... live your comment below if you want to comment if none just ignore and thank you for your time. 

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